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A Life you Love, Your Way

Is just one decision away.





Then Welcome to a new kind of coaching.

   One that helps you style your life around you.







If you've ever felt overwhelmed with all the roles you juggle - wife, mother, boss, employee - & wondered when it's your turn...


If you've ever missed the woman & girl you used to be - carefree, bold, full of hope & fun - & wondered where she went to...


If you've ever struggled to live up to all the goals, perfectionism & expectations - &  wondered when do you actually get to enjoy your amazing life...



Your life changes, when you begin to

make space for You in it. 


What it be like to live a life of freedom, joy & aliveness?  What if your life is already extraordinary?



Let go of all the striving & heaviness weighing you down... & see how far you can go when you...



Stop trying to change who you are for others, or to fit into a role more perfectly...


Stop all the self-improvement regimens designed to fix you or make you a better version of yourself...


Stop the external goal-seeking & trying to become someone, when you already are someone...


And instead own who you are on purpose.  Excavate your innate gifts & talents  - the unique beauty & power that is you,  the journey you are already on.


Curate your life to reflect you, and your best self - your voice, your authenticity. 


Build a life you love, around you & start enjoying (and playing in it) right now - No more waiting!



Imagine the well-being & joy  you’d have, if you refused to be anyone else but you - instead of constantly grinding  to turn yourself into someone else - to be "the new you."


Imagine the life you'd have if you stopped the self-criticism & the self-hate, the endless tape of "not good enough" running through your head.


Imagine the life of love, adventure, and enjoyment you'd have if you honored the amazing journey you're already on... 


Imagine falling in love with the woman you already are!


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"Before our sessions I had always had an awareness that I held back & didn't express myself fully.    With your skillful guidance I am now able to be a more raw & honest version of myself.    It's been incredible.  I feel more confident... & able to open up and connect with others."

~ Heather L.

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I'm Desirée Sommer

I'm a Certified Life Coach for women.


I help women to find more love & pleasure in their lives, to wake up confident & joyful, & learn to love & appreciate themselves...


... not by hustling harder, or correcting faults, no no no!


.. but by being more of who they naturally are! 


Shine brighter, live more beautifully, achieve exactly what you want - by doing more of what you love & being more who you naturally, authentically are!

Photo of Desiree sommer


Ready to change your life?  And get to the Good part, RIGHT NOW?



Get One-on-one Coaching with Me! Click here!


Find out more about working with me one-to-one over zoom! 

Get life-changing results FAST by getting coach from someone trained

(with over 200 clients & certification) to see your patterns &

help you work with them & through them!






Get my FREE bestselling e-book because it's fun,

beautiful & chock-full of tips to make your life better,

even when you're crunched for time! Click below to get it!


"55 Simple Pleasures to wake up your Ordinary Life"  

      & sign up for the newsletter, so you don't miss a thing!



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