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Friday Love Note: You are Enough, right now...

Life itself is extraordinary, and so you are! Sometimes in the effort to be more and do more, achieve more and get to the next level, we forget this simple redeeming fact, that life itself is a gift and so are you!

photo of little girl in a dress jumping for joy & splashing water from the edge of a lake at sunset

Happy Friday to you all!

I just though I'd pop into your day for a little Friday Inspiration Pep talk to get you started for the weekend & today I wanted to talk to you all about being Extraordinary.

Because I am all for women creating extraordinary lives & accomplishing extraordinary goals. BUT:

The Ordinary can also be pretty damn Extraordinary.

We forget that sometimes in this world that's all about achievement and being the best: Best mom, the best CEO, the best nurse, best partner, best sister... the best version of ourselves.

We forget that Life itself is extraordinary and full of miracles:

Sunshine, fresh cut grass, the smile on even a strangers face,

a sunset, a giggle from a grandchild...

And while you continue you onward, I want you to know:

You are enough, you have enough, you do enough.

You are already extraordinary!

Without even trying. That doesn't mean you can't be ambitious, or courageous or achieve miracles in your life. It just means you also deserve rest & joy in-between all the work you do.

So make sure you stop to appreciate it all & enjoy it this weekend.

Much love to you all this Friday,

& I will See you on Monday for the start of an extraordinary August where we master the art of enjoying our lives!

Are you in? Join on the website or Facebook:

Much love,

Desiree Sommer


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